About My Blog!

My name is Alex Smith. For Mr. Jenkins 11th grade Honors English class, we had to do an end of the year research project. I decided to be completely random, and research interpretive dance. I wanted to answer the question if interpretive is completely useful, or a complete waste of time. I found out that there are many opinions about it, but most of what I found was that it is a beautiful way to express your feelings. Not just through interpretive dance, but any dance. I really enjoyed seeing both sides of the argument, and made many conclusions of my own.


Looking on YouTube.com, I couldn’t help but to notice an advertisement video on ballet. It is titled: Ballet: A Beautiful Strength. It doesn’t say anything at all about dancing, and it doesn’t show a ballet routine. All it is is an advertisement. But this advertisement is hypnotizing. It is absolutely beautiful.

You see all different people doing ballerina moves. It is breathtaking to see how flexible these people are! Not even joking, I was in awe watching the video. It shows the true strength that it takes to take ballet and to be successful in it.

It is made by Anaheim Dance Studio, and they did an incredible job. If they want support for their studio, they have my full attention. This video sucks you in. It makes you want to put on tights and dance like no ones watching, because you see how effortless these people move when they are dancing. They dance like it’s just as easy to breathe. They make it seem like they are floating on air when they jump.

I can honestly say that I’m in complete and total amazement of ballet now. I have given it a whole new respect. I have never thought of it as a beautiful thing. I always saw it as some boring thing that the rich girls did. But I was wrong. It truly is a beautiful thing, and it is simply breathtaking.

Ballet: A Beautiful Strength. AnaheimBallet. Anaheim Ballet Studio. 2008.


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