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My name is Alex Smith. For Mr. Jenkins 11th grade Honors English class, we had to do an end of the year research project. I decided to be completely random, and research interpretive dance. I wanted to answer the question if interpretive is completely useful, or a complete waste of time. I found out that there are many opinions about it, but most of what I found was that it is a beautiful way to express your feelings. Not just through interpretive dance, but any dance. I really enjoyed seeing both sides of the argument, and made many conclusions of my own.


When interviewing someone about dance, I knew just who to turn to. I went straight to Shannon McClure Denney. She is The Pointe Dance Arts' owner and artistic director. She has been dancing since before she can remember. She he studied under nationally and internationally recognized choreographers Theresa Noletto-Hutchins, Celi Shinn and Scott Benson.

I asked Denney why she has danced for how long she has. She responded by telling me that it is her whole life, “when something has been a part of you for so long, you can’t just give it up.” Her mother put her in dance when she was a little girl. She fell in love with it, and knew it was something she wanted to continue to do. Shannon has performed in professional environments in which few are given the opportunity. In 1986, Shannon was accepted as a member of the Sheffield Performing Arts Company. She performed with that company for eight years. In the winter of 1992, Shannon traveled to Paris, France as a member of the Universal Dance Association All-Star group where she danced in the New Year’s Day parade. She is constantly showing our school her lovely talent.

Also, I asked her why she loves dancing so much. She proceeded to tell me that, “it allows me to let all of my true feelings out. There are so many different dances, that one of them is bound to get feeling out of you. With the different routines, there are different songs, and those songs can click in your mind to help you dance out whatever you are feeling.” She also told me that if you don’t necessarily click with one dance, it doesn’t mean someone else on the team doesn’t. Everyone has different feelings at different times, which means there will always be someone who connects to the dance that is being performed.

Lastly, I asked her what her favorite part of dancing was. She told me that she loved to perform and show off her talent. “I love when the song ends, and I look into the crowd and see all the people’s faces. Whether they like it or not, to know that someone out there really did connect with us…it’s mind blowing.” She is on stage about 75% of her life, and she says there is no place else she would rather be. She loves being on stage and “showing off what she has worked so hard to do.”

Shannon, among others, is truly an amazing dancer. Her body movements give so much meaning and expression that you can’t help but be in awe. Dancing is an extremely beautiful way to show off your talent and show the world your feelings, without singling yourself out.

Denney, Shannon. Personal Interview. 1 May 2009.


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