About My Blog!

My name is Alex Smith. For Mr. Jenkins 11th grade Honors English class, we had to do an end of the year research project. I decided to be completely random, and research interpretive dance. I wanted to answer the question if interpretive is completely useful, or a complete waste of time. I found out that there are many opinions about it, but most of what I found was that it is a beautiful way to express your feelings. Not just through interpretive dance, but any dance. I really enjoyed seeing both sides of the argument, and made many conclusions of my own.

Artistic Response

I did a picture from an idea that I had in ninth grade art. You write a couple of words in bubble letter form that have to do with a certain topic, get a yard stick, and draw lines all through them. In each and every spot, you paint it a different color. You use four different colors (in mine: blue, purple, black, and white), and mix ones that work. I really enjoyed painting this, I felt accomplished when I finished.


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